Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Don't Have It All Together

Let's get honest about one thing: I do NOT have it all together. I am FAR (VERY FAR) from it. However, in these last 9 days I have been asked one question over and over and over again, "How are you doing it?"

These past 9 days have been the best days of my entire life. And honestly, they have been EXTREMELY easy, but I don't think it has anything to do with me and what I am doing. Some babies are just easy. I was talking to my sister-in-law and she said her first was real easy but #2 was a nightmare (sorry Gracie :)) I keep on saying that Adelyn has set some really high standards for my future babies because of how easy she is.

I mean really, it is not possible for a 24 year old to know what she's doing as a first time mom. All you "older" ladies reading my blog can testify to that I am sure. How much more do you know now then when you had your first baby? I have SO much to learn. I will look back and think "what was I thinking?" However, there are a few things I want to share that I think have helped me in this process and I recommend doing. It is not "the answer" to have a great baby and pregnancy and labor and delivery, but I think it has definitely helped.

In no specific order, here are some random thoughts I have had regarding mommyhood.:

1. I listened. I LOVE hearing from other other moms. I love hearing their stories. What their pregnancy was like. What their L&D was like. What their baby was like. I have heard great stories. I have heard not so great stories. I have heard stories that scared my butt off I did not ever want to have a baby. I heard them all. And there is not a "right" story or a "wrong" story, it is just "our" story. They are all different and that's the beauty of it. It just kind of helped me prepare.

2. I read. Oh girl, did I read. My friends make fun of me because I love reading blogs. And usually they are not my friends blogs. They are girls in other states that I have no idea who they are or how I found them, but I love them. And I love the Library. I know, I'm crazy. I can't tell you how many times I went to the library and checked out pregnancy books, labor and delivery books, etc. I just wanted to read anything and everything and different view points and different articles etc.

3. I thought realisticly and journaled about things. For instance, one day while I was still pregnant, I sat at my kitchen table with God and my journal and got real. I journaled my thoughts, worries, concerns, etc. I journaled about getting real about my post-baby body. I knew I would not have my pre-baby body back, and that's okay. I knew I was going to look pregnant for a few weeks or months, and thats okay. I knew I would have to wait to get back to the gym and take it easy. I knew it was going to be hard work, but so worth.

I journaled about nursing. I have never nursed in my life, like I have a clue what I am doing. This is one area where I heard the most horror stories. I journaled about how it was going to be hard. I might crack, bleed, etc, and that is normal and fine. I heard about being engorged and being in pain. I journaled about persevering and not giving up when it was really hard. The very first time I nursed was when she was like 30 minutes old and she did not want anything to do with it. She did not latch on at all. I tried like 4 times and she did not want to do it. My nurse recommended a nipple shield and I had heard about it and had no problem trying it. I used it and she immediately latched on and everything went perfect. I loved the nipple shield and planned on using it forever because it worked so good. Well, one day I was out running errands and we stopped by a friends house and I needed to nurse but I forget my nipple shield at home. I started freaking out. I was like "oh my gosh she is not going to be able to nurse and I have to feed her right now, ahh what do I do." Well I just put her up on it and she immediately latched on and I have never used the nipple shield once since then. Nursing has actually been a breeze.

As far as soreness and crackedness goes, I have never had an issue (yet) and I might give credit to one thing. I got the Lansinoh Lanolin as a shower present while I was pregnant and I started putting it on while I was pregnant. I put it on the morning and the evening every day until I had her and now I use it every time I am done nursing. I don't know if that's a reason, but it's worth trying.

4. I stayed physically active. I think this is a HUGE thing and a reason I am the way that I am. I worked out consistently the entire 40 weeks I was pregnant. I was at the gym running on the treadmill the week I had Adelyn. My speed and distance definitely decreased in a huge way, but I was staying active. I went swimming like 2 times a week (and I floated in the water because my belly was so big--another story for another time). I would life weights. I would walk around my neighborhood.

People looked at me like I was a crazy person when they saw my belly running. Don't worry, I had a million conversations with my doctor about this. She said, "Amanda, your body will tell you what you can do. If you can't run, your body will tell you. Listen to your body."

As far as post-partum healing and recovery, I am pretty much fully healed. I don't need to wear pads anymore (sorry if there are men reading this, just being honest). I have been running 2 times already (with doctors approval). I have more energy that I have ever had in my life. I am happier than ever. My body is smaller then before I got pregnant (thanks to nursing--I am sure it will be coming back, no worries). If you are pregnant or thinking about being pregnant, by biggest advice is to stay active. There were days Colby had to drag me to the gym, I did not want to be there, but oh it felt so good to leave. I mean really, have you ever left the gym thinking "ugh, why did I just do that?" No. It is so hard to get there, but feels so good when you leave.

5. I prayed. a lot. And so did a lot of family and friends. If you read Becca's blog, you saw how she commited the entire month of March to pray for me. Huge blessing. I can not do this without relying on God. I have to trust Him and give my worries and concerns to Him. He has given me a peace about all things. I have placed Adelyn in His hands and trusting what He is going to do with her life.

Oh girls, every day is a new learning experience. If you are a mom, will you please leave a comment with mommy advice. I love learning new things! I need all the help I can get!