Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fiesta for Becca

Last Thursday was awesome! Becca and I have been planning for Thursday for a long time. There was much thought, planning, praying and more devoted to this one night.

We devoted two hours on Thursday night to help raise money for Becca Gantz for her One Year Mission in Monterrey, Mexico. She will be leaving August 2008 to August 2009. If anyone knows the relationship that Becca and I have, they will always ask "How are you going to do it?" That is the question that I can not even answer. Only God will be able to give me the strength for it.

I want to post a few pictures from Thursday night. We had over 20 baskets that were part of the silent auction, and don't worry, none of us got any pictures of it. That stinks. Here are some...

Sweet, sweet girls: From left to right: myself, Becca, Lauren, Whitney, Elizabeth, and Kenzi.
THANK YOU SO MUCH GIRLS FOR HELPING!!! We could not have done it without you!

Helping serve drinks...

All in Black...Becca, Amanda, Courtny, and Kenzi.
Thanks for coming and supporting Becca!
I want to take a moment and thank God and praise Him for the mighty work He did on Thursday night. As Becca got up and shared a piece of her heart, you could not help but notice God in her life. She has to raise $18,500 before she leaves. Just in those two hours on Thursday night, she raised $6,220!!!!!! Praise the LORD!!! He is so faithful in providing!

I am sure that there will be a post in the future about Becca and her leaving for Mexico. I am waiting as long as possible, just incase she wants to stay. :) I wish...