Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy 3 Months Addie!!

Today, Adelyn is 3 months old! We went to Cuppies & Joe to celebrate! Actually, I went there with a friend and bought a cupcake for Adelyn, and then I ate it. It worked out pretty good!

Not a whole lot is new from 2 months. Some might be a repeat, but here is what is going on at 3 months:

-She likes to play "kick-the-blanket." We will put a blanket over her legs and she kicks it off and smiles. Then we put it back on her and she kicks it off. She does this over and over and just smiles the whole time.

-She recently does this new thing with her bottom lip. It is hard to explain, but she tries to make a noise by moving her bottom lip in this really cute way.

-She drools a lot. And puts her fists in her mouth a lot. We have to constantly clean her neck rolls because it gets nasty under there. ha!

-She smiles a lot. She has not laughed yet, though. Maybe at 4 months.

-She sleeps through the night. I feed her at 10:00pm and then lay her in bed. She sleeps until 7:00am and I feed her.

-She moved up from newborn to 3 month old clothes.

-Still wears size 1 diapers.

-She has recently just started staring at her feet. She has not touched them yet, but I think she is realizing that she has feet.

-Some events that have taken place: Young Life Work Week in Colorado, House-sit for some friends, lots and lots of weddings that I have been working, saying good-bye to my best friend, Sara, as she is serving the Lord in Slovenia until December, started a summer bible study at our house for all college students, hanging out with friends, celebrating my dad's and Colby's mom's birthday on the same day, Daddy being in Jamaica for 10 days for a mission trip, etc...

Adelyn, I feel like I say this a lot, but you have no idea how much I love you. My favorite thing with you at 3 months old is snuggling with you! You lay on my stomach and just curl up to me and rest your head on my shoulder and I am in heaven. It is the sweetest thing. I want to focus on you before other things! I love you so much sweet girl!


Mrs. Kelly Ross said...

Amaaanda!!! She is so sweet!! Literally she is huge and so lovable! Thanks for the update I was wondering how you were doing just yesterday! :)

Anonymous said...

She is so stinkin cute I can't get over it! Can't wait to see you again!!

Sarah Thompson said...

aww she is getting so big. enjoy every moment...it goes entirely too fast. my itty bitty baby is 9 months now. she is beautiful!

Becca Gantz said...

i miss you, i miss her. give her lots of kisses for me. and when i see she is 3 months old. i only think to myself. only 2 more months. WAHOO. then i get to hold her again and see my best friend. love you girl

Bethany Struthers said...

She is so beautiful! Jett is already wearing three to six months clothing and is in size two diapers haha!