Tuesday, September 8, 2009

You Know You are a Blogger When...

...when something happens in your routine, mundane life and you immediately have a Title ready.

...when you see someone at a coffee shop whom you have never met and want to talk to her, because you know all about her, until you realize you only know her because you read her blog.

...when you are writing in your journal, but feel like you are writing for your blog. Or think about how you would re-word it for your blog. (what Becca does :))

...when your have this conversation with your husband:
him: "babe, what are you doing on the computer?"
her: "oh, just reading about my friend, Kelly."
him: "which friend Kelly? I didn't know you had a friend name Kelly?"
her: "well, technically, we have never met. And she lives in Arkansas...."
him: "blogs are weird. And so are girls that read them. She is not your friend if you
have never met her." :)

Can anyone relate to any of these things? Or just me? Ha! What else would you add to this list?


Sarah Thompson said...

are you a kellys korner junkie too? haha! i love her.

Anonymous said...

ha! David always knows I've been blogging or reading blogs in the evening when he comes in the bedroom and I'm sitting on the bed crying and typing... He doesn't understand why I would read about things that make me cry (this is when I read about sick babies or women who have lost their children, etc.). It's in our nature to socialize, encourage, shorten words, and cry with each other! :)

Michele said...

hi! I have been blog stalking you for awhile now...I got hooked b/c your little Addi is 1 month younger than my daughter and then I realized I knew your hubby from college and your extra roommate was in my wedding...so that could make us friends right?!
Anyway I laughed 'til I cried b/c this post is SO true!

Heather said...

Hi Amanda! I saw your comment on Kelly's blog and saw you were from Edmond so I wanted to come say hello! I grew up in Edmond, but live in Arkansas now. Kelly and I are friends in real life, as well as blog friends. Your family is precious! And I SOOO relate to this post-- my husband thinks blogging is CRAZY!!! ha!