Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This one word has not left my mind for quite some time.


Am I the only one that struggles with consistency? It really doesn't matter the area, it is hard for be to be consistent. Going to the gym. Eating healthy. Being a 'good' mom. Blogging. Spending time with God. Living on a budget. Etc.

It always starts out the same. I start out SO STRONG and ready to change the world! I have so much motivation and nothing can stop me from achieving this new goal of mine.

Then something gets in my path. It is usually a distraction, selfishness, circumstance, etc. And down I go. I slowly lose focus on what my goal was. And before I know it, my goal is no where to be seen. What I was striving to be consistent with, I am no longer doing anything with.

One area that is really on my heart is my relationship with the Lord. Why is it that I can have such a powerful quiet time in the morning, and forget about it the next day? Why is it that the Lord teaches me in an area and I feel so refreshed and changed, and then something happens, and I do not remember it at all? Why is it that I memorize a scripture that is exactly what I needed at that time and I can sense the reality of the Lord, and the next day my actions are proving the opposite? Why can I not be consistent in my walk with the Lord?

I think it is because I feel that I can read the bible once a week and that scripture will carry me through everything that happens for that week. I think I can go to church and I am good for the week. What I am learning is that my time with God has to be DAILY. Even better than daily is consistently. 24/7. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day. One of the very best books that I have read is The Practice of the Presence of God. In this book, he talks about depending on God at all times. Every moment you are in conversation with God. In the mundane. In the routine. In the rut. In everything, you are experiencing the presence of God. At work. At home. With your husband. In everything.

I am currently striving to learn what it looks like to live consistently with God. Daily. Every moment. Continually.


Anonymous said...

Girl, I am right there with you. Not to make excuses, but there is something to be said for a woman who carries a family, a job, and everything in between (aka chores, responsibilities, and the relationships with husband and children).

It's a constant battle for me and only do I catch myself slipping when I'm in the act of sin. Why did I just think such mean thoughts? Why did I just respond to my husband with haste?

Anyway, you are not alone! I'll be thinking about you!! Love you girl!

Sarah Thompson said...

You are not the only one who feels this way my friend. I think it is so easy to get caught up in all of the little day to day things you can quickly forget what is most important! hang in there!

kacie said...

It is so easy to not spend time with the Lord. I think sometimes we lose focus on the things around us cause it is "our focus" not "His". We forget that we accepted the Lord as our Savior and he lives in our heart. Instead of praying something like, "Lord, help me..." cause that makes him feel so far away and kinda asking him..."when ever you have time" type thing. Maybe we should pray, "oh Lord jesus BE my consistant, BE my peace, BE my wisdom, BE my way...". Cause He has transformed us and is in you. Not at arms length like we put Him. It is a daily thing girl, that is why we need Him.