Friday, April 3, 2009

He loves you, can you see it?

I had the sweetest moment (or maybe the saddest moment) last night with my sweet daughter, Adelyn Ryan and want to share it with you.

She is 2 1/2 weeks old. She loves snuggling with mommy and daddy. We will place her in her swing, or bouncy seat (which she loves all her stuff), but she gets bored or is not getting any interaction or someone scratching her back or playing with her hair so she cries, and then one of us go and pick her up. Then we go snuggle with her and she is happy as can be and doesn't make a peep.

So, last night we are snuggling in bed. At 2 1/2 weeks old, their eyesight is not fully there and they can not see all the things we see at the distance we see them at. I have no idea what she can see or what it looks like when she sees it, but I know she has a hard time seeing me.

I am always calling her name, talking to her, trying to get her attention when she is wide awake and she is staring at the opposite direction. She does not even move her head in the slightest direction of where I am.

I am just staring at her and talking to her last night, and the love that I have for her just hits me....hard. And I about start crying. And I just look at her and tell her I love her. And I can not stop telling her. And I want her to know. So, I start saying her name. Trying to get her to look at me. She is not looking anywhere in my direction. All I want is for her to know how much I love her, and to see me tell her, and she can't.

It reminds me of our relationship with God. How many times is he calling our name and wanting to talk to us and we are not even listening. We do not even move our heads into His direction. He loves us and tells us ALL the time, but we just do not hear it. He wants us to look in His direction (maybe even for the first time). He wants us to hear how much He loves us. He wants us to look at Him at all times.

Thank you Adelyn for drawing me closer to the Lord and being the sweetest daughter! I love you!


Becca Gantz said...

that is a sweet little story Amanda. and i think it made me cry. give adelyn kisses from aunt becca. LOVE YOU

Amy Jo said...

Oh my word! I know exactly how you feel! I always pray that Troy knows the love I have for him! I tell him everyday CONSTANTLY, and one day I realized, why don't I do the same with God! How selfish am I that I just take this beautiful blessing from the Lord and forget to thank Him for Troy?
So Thank you Lord for Troy, I love You!!!