Monday, March 9, 2009

Esther Bible Study

What a joy the past 9 weeks have been. In January, I opened up my home to join some incredible women to participate in Beth Moore's newest bible study: Esther. To say it has been powerful would be an understatement. I can not even begin to write all that God did in all of our lives individually.

It is incredible to see prayer requests turn to praises.
It is incredible to see broken lives made whole.
It is incredible to see doubt turned to belief.
It is incredible to see lives turned around, which happens to be one of the main themes in the book of Esther.

To every girl that joined me in this study,

Thank you for being authentic. Thank you for opening up. Thank you for listening to me, flaws and all. Thank you for consistently showing Christ's unconditional love to every sister in the room. Thank you for not judging. Thank you for not gossiping. Thank you for praying over each weeks prayer requests. Thank you for joining us in praising God for answering those prayer requests. Thank you for being vulnerable even when it was hard and you were scared. Thank you for coming each week. Thank you for each being in charge of snacks for a week (Adelyn thanks you too, they were great- my pregnancy weight gain proves it :) ) Thank you for being open for God to teach you, change you, mold you into looking more like Him.

I do not have adequate words to tell you all how much you have blessed me. Tears come to my eyes thinking of this group and how we have all been there for each other. I can not believe the 9 weeks is already over. Guess it's time to start thinking about the next study, with a new member: Adelyn. :)

Love you girls! Here are our crazy pictures:

Trying to be crazy....maybe just awkward...
Thank you Lord for what you did through this study and for what you did in each of our lives.