Saturday, March 28, 2009

These are a Few of my Favorite Things.....Part 1 of 4

I have been asked frequently, "how did you know what to register for?" And the truth is, I did not have a clue. If you have ever walked into Babies-R-Us, it can be quite overwhelming. You want to register for a bottle and there are like 15 different brands. Seriously? Why? How do you choose?

Well, I was reading one girls blog that I have no idea who she is and she really helped me. She posted a blog saying she did not want to read books or search the internet for what to register for. She wanted to hear from "real-life moms" to tell her what is the most important thing to have and invest your money in, and what is the biggest waste of money. There were over 300 comments. So one day (don't judge me for doing this), I printed off all 300 comments and read through all of them. I then proceeded to make an excel spreadsheet with 3 different columns: 1. Items I have to register for. 2. Items that are a big waste of money. 3. Items I need to do research on and evaluate and see if I want to register for them.

This helped me in a huge way. For instance, I would say 75% of the comments mentioned Dr. Browns bottles (not that they are the very best and you have to have them and if you don't you are a bad mom...but they just mentioned them a lot). Also, when it came to pacifiers, I saw the word NUK a I wrote that down....

Now, I would like to share all that I learned and pass it along to my pregnant friends so that this might help you when it comes to registering.....These are simply suggestions and items that have already proved valuable. Other moms, please comment and put your input and must-haves and waste of money items. This will help my pregnant friends!!

I will post items for a couple of days so I don't have one GINORMOUS post.... Is that even how you spell ginormous!?! who knows... Okay on to baby items:

1. Pack-n-Play with Bassinet and changing table.... Wow, this makes sleeping rather enjoyable. We have this right next to our bed in our room. She sleeps in the bassinet at night and the changing pad is right there. So I am laying in bed, pick her up in the middle of the night to eat, change her diaper and put her back to sleep all within inches of me... It is GLORIOUS!! They have different brands and styles. Find what matches your decor or style and budget and register for one! And keep in mind you will have it through a lot of different ages.....Oh yeah, the bassinet has a light on it, music, and it vibrates... Adelyn LOVES going to sleep in here!2. A Swing. Swings have come a long way in the past couple of years. We actually registered for a cheaper, different swing and one of my sweet friend's mom surprised me one day and took me to Babies-R-Us and said she wanted to buy our swing. I showed her the one I registered, but as a well-advanced mommy, she said I had to have this one! lol. It is unreal!! It can swing from left to right or from back to front. There are different sounds or music to choose from. There is a rotating thing above her with toys on it. Adelyn LOVES being in her swing! Thank you Shelby and Michelle!

3. A Sling. I actually had no desire to get a sling, until I went to my friends house. She asked if I had a sling and I said no and she thought that was weird. She loved hers and showed it to me and showed me how it works and then I fell in love. I had a coupon and gift card to Babies-R-Us and went and bought it that next day! Adelyn LOVES this. And I love it. I actually miss being pregnant, so it kind of reminds me of that. lol. And she curls up in it just like she was in the womb. And I can clean the whole house and do things with my hands because I am not holding her.
4. Two Different Burts Bees Products: Mama Bee Belly Butter and Therapeutic Bath Crystals.
OH MY WORD!!! Ladies----PAMPER YOURSELF!!! I got these two items as a gift and I think it is the BEST gift and the WORST gift. IT is the best because I am obsessed with it. It is the WORST because now I have to stay stocked up and buy it continually because I am in love with it so much.

I put on the Belly Butter at least once a day. It is smooth, and not sticky and smells good. I would say the majority of those "anti-stretch mark creams" are disgusting. I think they smell nasty, feel nasty on your body etc..... This lotion is AMAZING!! I did not get any stretch marks and I am sure its not only because of the lotion (eating patterns, work-out regimens, genetics, metabolism all play a part), but I think this lotion definitely helped in not getting any.

The Therapeutic Bath Crystals are INCREDIBLE!! You put 1 tablespoon in your bath with you and it makes it SMELL AMAZING and you come out feeling like silk. It soothes and refreshes your tired, achy body. Oh my goodness I want to go take a bath right now just thinking about it!
5. A Nursing Cover: I got this from a sweet friend, Whitney. It has already proven much needed, unless you're okay with letting it all hang out. We have had a ton of visitors...When boys are over I am always in my room with the door shut. If it is just girls, I feel comfortable just sitting on the couch watching a movie or talking and just use it for modesty purposes. (I tend to fall asleep while I am nursing, so sorry I am sleeping in the pic, lol). It comes in handy if you happen to be out and about and have to take care of business. I think it is safe to say that while you are the mall, no one wants to see it, so keep it hidden!
Okay, there are my first 5 items for the day. I will do 5 more tomorrow and each day until I am done talking about some INCREDIBLE items that I recommend registering for! Hope this helps you a little bit. Please know, that you do not HAVE to have these items to be a better parent....They just help make things easier! Other mommys, please tell me some of your favorite must haves!!!