Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pregnancy Thoughts...

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy has absolutely flown by for me. I can not believe that I have 3 weeks or less left. I want to take just a few moments and journal some thoughts I have about this pregnancy. I am sure this will all be totally random and whatever comes to mind:

-It still has not hit me that I will be having a baby in 3 weeks. Other moms reading this, is this normal?? I mean, hello? I am 37 weeks pregnant, have this obvious baby belly, feel her move ALL the time, am having consistent braxton hicks contractions, and still just can't believe I am about to have a baby. It is very surreal.

-I wish someone told me to eat/drink a lot of fiber. No need to go into details here.

-I have been blown away by the generosity of friends and family members by blessing us with much needed baby supplies. There is no way we could through this time without everyone supporting us. It is humbling and I am very thankful!

-I am nervous about nursing. I think it is all the stories I have heard. This is something that I am consistently praying over right now. I am committing to it and persevering through it even when it is very hard. Hopefully this blog will hold me accountable! ha!

-Today, I was reminded that there are going to be so many exciting "firsts" coming in the next few weeks, months, years, etc. As I was thinking about that, I was reminded of all the "lasts" that Colby and I are both experiencing individually and as a couple. This is not a bad thing. It is just change. It hit me while we were having breakfast at Mimi's. Breakfast at Mimi's has been a regular date for us in our marriage. Just the two of us. Next will be 3 of us. We are planning on still committing to our once-a-week date night after the baby comes.

In 2008, we experienced a lot of our last holidays just the two of us. We are experiencing our last nights of 8 hours of continuous sleep. We have already experienced that last time our house was a "newlywed" house not filled with baby toys, swings, strollers, boppy's, diapers, wipes, etc.

-I have loved journaling and scrapbooking throughout this process. I have read over so many sweet memories. I hope I can keep this up post-baby.

-It is has been bittersweet not having one of my very best friends, Becca, be a part of this 40 weeks journey called pregnancy. She serves as a missionary in Mexico and I could not be any more happy for her! It is just weird not having her here! She has already booked her plane ticket for March 21st, so we will see when Adelyn comes!

-I kind of wish I drank less caffeine throughout this pregnancy (told you this was going to be random). I actually rarely drank caffeine before I got pregnant. And then when I got pregnant I craved Sonic Vanilla Dr. Peppers. And I was hooked. This is bad. Hopefully I can lower this intake after baby comes.

-I wonder what Adelyn is going to look like. As a baby, I had no hair. Maybe a tiny little bit of blonde fuzz, but not much. Colby had extremely thick dark, dark hair. I had brown eyes. Colby had blue eyes. I can not wait to see her! I think I am hoping for her to look more like Colby because he was a cute, cute baby!! So excited to meet her!

-Pregnancy has really taught me to trust God and that He is in control! I can not form little Adelyn in my belly. God has completely molded her, formed her every little detail, organ, feauture, etc. He has everything under control.

-Lately, I have gotten the infamous question, "Are you excited? Are you nervous?" Honestly, I have this huge peace completely covering me that I am not really that worried. The only thing I am thinking about is just the unknown. Some questions I have been thinking about:

When will it be?
Will my water break?
Will I be induced?

I am so excited for all of these unknown things.... What is awesome is that God knows! I do not have to worry because He's got it all under control.